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Providing VHX sellers with an updated and comprehensive data driven dashboard.

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VHX Dashboard

Project overview

VHX, a subsidiary of Vimeo, is a digital distribution network that allows creators to sell their products directly through their own site. VHX’s community of video content creators and sellers relies heavily on data and metrics provided on back-end dashboards to determine their product's success and inform business strategy.

Based off of initial seller feedback they received, VHX was seeking to update the current dashboard to allow sellers to view and visualize data pertaining to the viewing patterns of their audience to help inform content and business strategy.

 VHX approached my team at General Assembly to see how they could redesign and optimize the current dashboard to provide sellers with this missing information to ultimately reduce the number of customer service requests that they were receiving. 

Initial problem statement

The current data provided by the dashboard is not enough information to help VHX content creators to strategize and inform their content. The current dashboard layout also stores a lot of important information within collapsed drawers, hiding it from their users.

Client: VHX
Role: Project Manager; Co-Designer

VHX Thumbnail Hover


Competitive Research

To fully understand the areas of opportunity for VHX and to familiarize ourselves with the video analytics, we performed a competitive analysis to further grasp the current video analytics landscape. 

Key Findings

Wistia and VHX incorporated the largest range of data into their dashboard, with Wistia placing a strong emphasis on customer journeys and viewing drop off points. Wistia and Brightcove also placed a strong emphasis incorporating the most extensive video analytics

User Interviews

User interviews

To get a better understanding of VHX users and any areas of opportunities, we spoke to some of VHX top content sellers

The VHX sellers we spoke to created and hosted content ranging from fitness to foreign film and everything in between. In our interviews, sellers confirmed our hypotheses, stating they couldn’t strategize content or create a marketing plan based on information provided and lack of customer journeys. They also reiterated the lack of video metrics including top performing videos metadata tags to help organize their videos.

“We’re just throwing everything against the wall and hoping things sticks, but we need the daily data”


To ensure that we always kept both the persona and VHX’s needs in mind during feature prioritization we created a MVP to shape our designs and goals.
Our outlined MVP was to optimize current dashboard in a way that user can clearly compare and analyze video and subscriber data/content. The data that users see on the dashboard will also be made available as an exportable file.



When approaching the new designs, we wanted to make sure that we used the available desktop real estate to bring hidden metrics to the forefront and add important data points that our user interviews told us that they wanted, including video performance and subscriber data. We also adjusted the information architecture to clearly layout all the capabilities the VHX dashboard offered.

Final Designs

After conducting user tests on our lo and medium-fidelity wireframes, we put together following hi-fidelity designs and presented them to the VHX product and engineering team. 

Main Dashboard

We utilized the available real estate to add a comparative birds eye view. We added video analytics to provided a richer performance snapshot. Actionable graphs allow sellers to quickly hover over data points to gauge performance. 


Comparative page


Based off user interviews, we created a new feature on the dashboard, which allows sellers to compare data performance over different time periods. We also included insights on the bottom of the page, which include emails sent, web traffic, and subscriber changes to help sellers determine why their products have performed well or poorly over a period of time.

Content Page

Included video analytics to the content page to allow sellers to see video performance stats near their content library. We also pulled viewing stats out of the drawer and onto the main page, including highest and lowest performing videos 

Content Page

Content drawer

Content Page Drawer

Added metadata and tags to the individual content drawer to allow sellers to organize their content and appear in search engines. We also moved the "Stats" tab to the forefront of the page to give it priority, and included individual video viewing performance over time to help identify trends.

Customer page

Based on the I.A. updates and heuristic analysis, we renamed "Followers" to "Mailing List" as the previous nomenclature did not clearly define what a follower is, and added it as a tab to the customer page instead of a dropdown menu item. To help with marketing and promotion capabilities, we added the ability to create groups. Sellers could contact groups to push promotions based on geo-location, viewing patterns, or other criteria. 

Customer Page

Customer drawer

Customer Drawer

Added viewing data to customer drawers to determine user behavior and help create a journey to the customer page. Data included video tags, hours viewed, and titles watched. This information could be used by sellers for marketing and created customer groups based off of interests.